Monday 19 March 2018

The Speaker

The Speaker

Something’s rotten in the state of Britain… As mid-March is seeing sub-zero temperatures and snow storms, a Russian despot indiscriminately committing murder on our shores, South Asian Muslim gangs systematically raping hundreds of young, white girls without much media attention, a socialist opposition leader making strides to becoming our next Prime Minister, and young journalists are detained at our borders under terrorist acts for the crime of not aligning with Leftist hegemony while Islamic preachers too radical to give sermons even in Pakistan are welcomed with open arms, one is forced to confront the question: What the hell is happening?

The case of Lauren Southern, Martin Sellner and Brittany Pettibone marks a turning point for us as a nation. If you are not familiar with the details, please take a moment to read up on the events that lead to three journalists being detained by the border police, when trying to enter the UK.
To my knowledge, this is the first time British law enforcement has refused members of the press entry to our country under the suspicion of thought crime. Lauren Southern, the 22-year-old Canadian conservative, was stopped and detained by British police for the crime of handing out flyers in Luton with the caption “Allah is Gay” in February. Even discarding the fact that this was during a staged social experiment, where Southern and her team posed as radical Leftists who were promoting LGBTQ rights, and assuming the most insidious motives to them (that they intentionally insulted Islam’s deity), the justification for detainment and refusal of entry to the UK remains preposterous. The outrageous absurdity is further exalted when one finds out that Southern was detained and interrogated for suspicion of terrorist activities!

As the Kafkaesque politics of this Great Britain reached its peak, Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the English Defence League, took it upon himself to speak about these issues when the mainstream media remained silent. On his Twitter account, Robinson announced that on the 18th of March, he will be reading the speech Martin Sellner was due to give in Speaker’s Corner. One could reasonably assume that, had Sellner himself been allowed to give the speech, the attendance would’ve been in the dozens. However, thanks to the actions of the British state, over 1, 000 people attended Robinson’s talk in Hyde Park.

Observing the crowd, the devotion to the man from Luton was striking. Chants of his name were being sung forty minutes before his arrival, and as he took centre stage, one middle aged gentleman next to me exclaimed “He’s real! He’s not a figment of my imagination, he’s actually real!”

Although the lead up to the speech was slightly marred by couple of clashes, between Islamists and Robinson sympathisers, as well as few of Tommy’s fans attacking a communist speaker who hurled insults at the former EDL leader, things did go rather smoothly once Tommy started speaking. But that didn't stop the media from portraying the event as a “Far right march”, despite there being people of all backgrounds, stripes, and social status in attendance. This was not a far right or far left issue – most people who came did so out of exasperation with the eradication of British values to appease a single minority in the society. There is one question in particular on people’s minds:

Why are Islamic blasphemy laws being enforced in the UK?

The ramifications of such policy may not be apparent to the naked eye – after all, social media is awash with criticism, ridicule, and contempt for Islam. But when one starts to look at why thousands of young, often prepubescent and mostly white girls in the UK are being gang raped by exclusively Muslim men from Pakistan and Bangladesh without it garnering anywhere near the media attention as that of the latest celebrity breakup, or why journalists are refused entry to the country for having been critical of Islam, the average British person will start to wonder what is happening to her country.

When she sees the failure of the law enforcement, of social care workers, of politicians and of education professionals to act when 11 year old girls are being raped, yet at the same time, resources being invested in keeping journalists out of the country, both for the same motive (not to hurt the feelings of Muslims), she realises that her country is becoming unrecognisable to herself, and it’s eradicating all the principles for which it once stood.

Less than three weeks ago, leaders of Britain First, Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, were imprisoned for 18 and 36 weeks respectively, for “religiously aggravated harassment”, having been arrested for distribution of leaflets and posting online videos during a gang-rape trial.

Although the actions of Golding and Fransen were despicable and their sentences fair, the British justice system refuses to acknowledge that groups like Britain First are reactionary movements to a far bigger problem that is being ignored by every major institution in the land. It is in this vacuum that Tommy Robinson emerges, asking how we are giving up that most sacred of values, Freedom of Speech, to appease a minority within a minority, for the fear of being called racists and bigots.

Tommy Robinson has become the spokesperson for this group of people who still believe in the principles which made Britain an enlightened country, while media and The Left spew lies and hurl abuses on anyone who dares deviate, however slightly, from the Leftist ideals of multiculturalism and diversity.

Britons are now sick and tired of being called racists, bigots, “islamophobes” or fascists for refusing to compromise on values such as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression. Britons are sick and tired of seeing their principles eroded to accommodate anti-democratic dogmas, in the name of multi-culturalism and fear of giving offence. Britons are sick and tired of seeing their young girls raped, abused and murdered without the legal system doing anything about it.

It is those Britons who stood up at Speaker’s Corner on Saturday 18th of March, 2018, and expressed their allegiance to a man who has been called every derogatory and pejorative label under the sun, without any of it being true. Britons are now seeing through the lies and baseless accusations of xenophobia, and aligning themselves with a man who has demonstrated that threats of such labels won’t prevent him from speaking his mind.

Tommy Robinson did not rise from the ashes of racism. He did not come to prominence for hatred of Muslims. He was created by the vacuum left behind by a cowardice media, an incompetent law enforcement and a dictatorial Leftist narrative that labels anyone deviating from it as bigots. His rise is because he speaks what many others think. For many, he is the sole voice of the forgotten class – the class which still holds dear the values of these islands. For them, he is the speaker when their own voices have been muted, whether through self-imposed censorship or leftist threats of name-calling.

Tommy Robinson is the creation of those who abandoned British values and thought they can get away with it. Of those who devalued terms like “racist” and “fascist” to the point of meaningless, by labelling every ideological opponent as such. He speaks for those who are told that they can’t speak their thoughts. He will only be strengthened, and his followers will grow in number, if those in power continue to eradicate the values that once made Britain a great country. If they keep preventing journalists from entering the country, if they keep banning people from speaking, if they keep hiding their heads in the sand instead of dealing with systemic gang rape of children, if they keep calling everyone who disagrees with them “fascists” and “racists”, then we will continue to listen. And Tommy will continue to speak.


  1. Well written and spot on!! I believe this man is saving the UK 🇬🇧

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  5. Couldn’t have put it better myself

  6. I was there as a UK MEDIC who has seen the shocking complications (urinary/infertility horrors) caused by Female Genital MUTILATION (FGM) in our NHS clinics; a procedure sanctioned and promoted by traditional mediaeval ISLAM to curb female sexual desire, and continue the subjugation "modesty" agenda of traditional Islamic patriarchy. A blind eye (by the authorities) is turned to this clearly Islam sanctioned and babaric human rights transgressive illegal practise. FGM is actually female child physical and sexual abuse to 'control' women and disempower them, still in the 21st Century and in Britain. Sanctioned by 'The Religion of the PENIS'. Robinson is a brave defender of women's rights as is Anne Marie Waters of the For Britain Party. At speakers corner last Sunday I spoke to others working in the NHS who agree- enough is enough with FGM abuses sanctioned by ISLAM and shamefully still left unprosecuted because of political correctness. Thank you Tommy... you are no thug and neither are we, the good people of the UK.

  7. Hi Amir...i understood your comments about speakers corner and Tommy Robinson and free speech but not about 'a Russian despot indiscriminately committing murder on our shores ' or 'a socialist opposition leader making strides to becoming our next Prime Minister'If Mr Putin wanted the Russian spy dead why would he leave a sign pointing at Russia at the scene ? It almost as unbelievable as finding a suspects passport in the rubble of the twin towers. Whats wrong with Mr corbyn making strides to become prime minister ? Thats what leaders of parties do ! I am wondering why you have lumped these issues together.

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    2. Regarding Russia - yes, Putin does leave “signs” pointing to his involvement, as he did with Livtinenko - that’s his modus operandi. And I believe the security forces, all of whom clearly have a consensus on the source, and one doesn’t need to be a criminologist to understand that this specific nerve agent, which is a *binary agent* (meaning that you have to put two substances, which are individually harmless, together to activate the poison) requires a sophisticated handler who takes enormous care, meaning that all signs are pointing to one place, and I don’t have any time for conspiracy theorists claiming otherwise.

      As for Corbyn, the operative word is “socialist”. Mr. Corbyn has, for 40 years, aligned himself with every major enemy of Britain (be it the IRA, Hezbollah or Hamas), and his economic policies would mean a repeat of the Greek crisis, but to a much worse extent. Yet, he is enjoying enormous popularity, especially among the naive, uneducated youth who are indoctrinated by a leftist academia. His election, inevitable though I believe it is, will destroy this country far worse than any Islamist could.

  8. superb piece . worring times . Soon you may not be allowed to write about these facts
